Monday, July 28, 2008

The stapler was invented in 1867.....

That's 141 years ago... Nicholas was cleaning up from making some pirate hats in my bedroom when he saw some staples on the floor he asked me what he should do and I said "throw them away". He went on to tell me that he likes to break them apart I agreed and that's when he says "did you do that when you were a little girl"? I said "yes" then he says "did they even have staples back then"? WHAT? Of course they had staples waaaaaaay back then. Nothing like making you feel like your on your death bed, thanks Nicholas.


Chastina said...

I remember teasing my parents like that and we still tease Barbara. It's so wierd when your kids start saying it to you!

Anonymous said...

Well did they?

Johnson said...

Yeah, I am glad you look at my blog. Nothing like making new friends through blogging. I have to tell you that I LOVE Taylor. He was such a perfect angel in primary on Sunday and heavens know I need a few angels in my class!! No I really love my class but they are chatter boxes!!

Greg told me about your puppies. I am inlove with maltese doggies now. If we get a boy maltese I think it would be "great to mate" them together...although I am inlove with that little girl matlese!! Ahhhh, is it sad I've been thinking about her all day??? So do you love your dog? We'll have to talk!!

Mich said...

You mean you were born after the stapler? What?! Next you are going to try and tell me that you had t.v. when you were a little girl, and a radio.
This was hilarious by the way. Give Nick a high five and tell him good job!

Unknown said...

A stapler? what's that? Never heard of the things! Haha! Nick is sooo funny!